About Coaching & Mentoring by NuParadigm
Growing and Nurturing talent is essential for building contemporary high performing diverse teams. That’s why Nuparadigm are delighted to offer coaching and mentoring for your aspiring talent. Investing in your biggest asset – your people, will deliver a tangible return on investment not only for the individual but for the wider team and organisation.
Nuparadigm delivers new thinking, which is reflected in the way we deliver our coaching and mentoring services. Delivered face to face, virtually or through a blended model for the individual or small groups depending on your needs.
Coaching and Mentoring does not have to be expensive or exclusive to C Suite staff. Nuparadigm believes in growing talent from the ground up so why not do something differently and consider investing in your rising stars of the future.
Give them the best start you can by providing a structured development plan based around a series of coaching and mentoring sessions.
Nuparadigm’s Dr Anne Llewellyn is a qualified coach and mentor, who offers a programme of career coaching to support individuals and groups within your team or organisation who are considering or transitioning into more senior positions.
Key Benefits
Coaching and mentoring can focus on development of many skills to improve personal effectiveness and people leadership including:
- Self- confidence and self-belief in the workplace
- Assertiveness and decision-making
- Negotiation and effective challenge
- Time management
- Effective delegation
- Work/life balance
- Improving workplace relationships